Product Name: Tetra Decorative Sandstone Terrarium ReptoFilter
Product Manufacturer: Tetra
Where it was purchased: Amazon
When it was purchased: 05/19/2016
Price: 25.99
Product Dimensions: 8 x 8 x 10 inches
Shipping Weight: 6.6 pounds
Do you feel this product is a good value for the price: Yes
Would you recommend this time: Yes
Why or Why Not: I have two of these filters now, one in each style. This one is slightly larger than the other style.
I am really pleased with this filter over all. It does what it is supposed to and is easy to maintain. The only downside is that it takes up a lot of space and needs about 6 inches of water.
Reviewer: Stacy G.
Tetra Decorative Sandstone Terrarium ReptoFilter is an innovative combination of filtration and decoration for frogs, newts and turtles. This 2 in 1 terrarium and filter uses Tetra Whisper technology to keep your water clear. The Tetra Decorative Sandstone Terrarium can be used with aquatic terrariums up to 55 gallons and is ideal for lower water levels. Create a waterfall and basking area while removing terrarium odors.
Uses easily replaceable medium cartridges (charcoal style as used in aquariums)
The lid on the Decorative ReptoFilter keeps reptiles out and doubles as a basking platform
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