How do hermit crabs breathe? Coenobita respiration explained
Fig. 1. (A) Morphology of the branchiostegite and anterior appendages of Birgus latro, lateral view with legs omitted. (B) Lateral view of the branchial chamber of Birgus latro with the branchiostegite on the right-hand side reflected upwards to expose the inner surface of the branchiostegite. Note the distinction between the anterior hairlined portion of the branchiostegite and the posterior respiratory portion. The nephropore (antennal gland opening) faces posteriorly and opens directly into the branchial chamber. (Drawing made from a 500 g animal, approximately 20 cm in length excluding appendages, as shown.) Collapse Published in 1991Adaptations to a Terrestrial Existence by the Robber Crab Birgus Latro: VII.Read More →