Post Purchase Death Reduction Method Tracker
Post Purchase Death Reduction Method Tracker will help you chart your hermit crab’s progress during the PPDRM. Hermit Crab Post Purchase Death Reduction Method -an acclimation protocol.Read More →
Post Purchase Death Reduction Method Tracker will help you chart your hermit crab’s progress during the PPDRM. Hermit Crab Post Purchase Death Reduction Method -an acclimation protocol.Read More →
Please note: We’ve updated our language and PPS is now called PPDS – Post Purchase Death Syndrome as this is a more accurate name. written by Sue Latell March 8, 2006 I have belonged to the on-line crabbing community for a little over 3 years now. From day one there was discussion about the number of deaths immediately occurring after purchase. It evolved into a named syndrome: PPDS. Many “unexplainable” deaths that occurred in the time-frame from newly acquired to first post molt death were labeled PPS. Time lines wavered (anywhere from one week-up to one year), and alarmingly glossed over (in my opinion) tooRead More →
This is a (hopefully) more simplified revision of the original. I have also created a printable calendar for tracking that is free to download. Introduction: The objective of this method is to reduce the impact of physical stress by keeping the hermit crab above ground eating well and exposed to light. Both are vital to the hermit crab’s ability to recover. This is a thirty day method. While this can be accomplished in three weeks, there is no reason to rush. If you are adding new (wild caught) hermit crabs to your existing colony it is important that you do not introduce sick or contagiousRead More →
written by Sue Latel March 8, 2006 Little Billy has had 3 hermit crabs since his 12 birthday. He has a 20 gallon tank housing his 3 small PP crabs. One day when he is at the store picking up some ocean salt water for his crabs, he spots a tank containing 2 poor little Ruggies that have no water except for a damp sponge, huge pellets of food that he doubts they have even attempted to eat, and no ground cover to protect them from the 100 watt heat lamp that is shining directly on them from an open tank top. Billy has been aRead More →
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