When I got back into “crabbing”, I was horrified to find that everything I had been doing was wrong. Now, with that being said, I was only a child of 6 or 7 at the time, but, my parents didn’t know any better either. The horrible wire cage with gravel, the pellets, no info on proper water or food. I can remember giving them lettuce with tomato, some fruit, tap water in a metal cap…..By the time I decided to keep them as pets again, I looked up all of the info I could find, and it was then that realized why they didn’t live very long…I read various websites that offered info, but failed to indicate why that info was correct. I, by nature, am a “why” person. Like a child that asks why, I took that into my adulthood. The Crab Street Journal was the ONLY website that offered what, why, where, when. I loved it! I scoured through the scientific explanations, foods, molting info and every single thing they had. I couldn’t click fast enough! It took weeks to read, and I implemented everything I had learned to my crab, who most of you know as Cray, my big female. I had two crabs before her, before I even knew that CSJ existed. Sadly, they did not make it, Crabbers, and Crabette. I tried to save another crab from down the shore last year, he didn’t make it, too far gone. I really love the post purchase stress syndrome article, it made so much sense! I used it when I got Cray, who will be with me 6 years next month, and also with Tiny, and Patchy. My recent new guys also got the PPS method, and they are thriving! After joining CSJ, I decided I was finished with the other websites. I have come so far in learning about these amazing creatures, and continue to do so. I can only hope more people join, and learn as well. I cannot thank you enough for your effort, time and attention to these little guys, who deserve proper care.
Happy Birthday CSJ!
Thank you from Cray, Tiny, Patchy, Bob, Kiwi, Sebastiano, and Sammi!

Submitted October 17, 2016