Originally written by Vanessa Pike-Russell
After your crabitat is set up you will have to maintain it and your crabs. Below you will find a list of what tasks should be done daily, weekly and monthly.
o Refill fresh water dish and the ocean water pond
o Empty and clean the food dish (no chemicals)
o Offer a different food each day
o Check the relative humidity level is 70- 80%
o Check that your temperature zones are 75F on the cool end and 85F on the warm end (or within this min/max safe range).
o Clean the bowls and dishes (without chemicals)
o Pick through the substrate for food and feces (isopods** and springtails can help with this)
o Where needed, remove all items from tank (substrate, wood, toys, dishes etc) and clean by boiling or baking. Usually only needed if you have unwanted mold or mildew.
o Wipe down walls of tank with vinegar and water, or ocean water mixture. (Avoid cleaning chemicals eg. bleach)
o Sterilize (boiling) seashells and re-offer them to crabs
** Collect native species only so if they over populate you can release the over flow outside. Non native species should never be released outside. In most places it is illegal to do so.
Photo Credit:
Heather Sutton
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