Since its launch in 2001 The Crab Street Journal has always been a free and open resource for land hermit crab keepers. I believe knowledge, science and research should be available to everyone. I don’t want to gatekeep what I know. I want to expand my knowledge by working with other like-minded hermit crab keepers. We (first Vanessa and then me) have always shared our knowledge and research so that others may learn and care for their pet hermit crabs better than ever before. Improving the lives of hermit crabs has always been our mission and it remains our mission today. There are no adsRead More →

It has come to my attention that original content from my work featured on and in my book, *The Complete Guide to Land Hermit Crab Care*, has been plagiarized by a Facebook group administrator and a related website. This unauthorized use of my intellectual property is deeply concerning and undermines the years of dedicated research, writing, and community support I have invested in educating others about proper hermit crab care. I have always been committed to sharing accurate, science-based information to promote the well-being of land hermit crabs and to support a responsible and informed community. My work is a product of countless hoursRead More →

(Photo credit: Sherri Werdebaugh.) Calling all US AND INTERNATIONAL MEMBERS who want captive bred babies. I am working with an international wholesaler of captive-bred Caribbean reef fish (ORA) who is interested in carrying MY captive-bred babies. If you live in the US OR live overseas, and have been wishing you could get your hands on some of my babies, I need your help! If you have a local saltwater fish store, or a pet store that carries saltwater fish, would you please contact them and tell them you’ve heard that ORA is going to be carrying captive-bred babies and you want to get on theRead More →

Help us spread our message! Most hermit crabs are purchased as a beach vacation souvenir from a shop that does not provide any care information. Some of these new owners find their way to our community and get the help they need. All of them are shocked, many feel duped and angry that they were not informed of the true expense of keeping hermit crabs. Imagine when they discover that a hermit crab’s life span rivals humans. So how can we reach these folks before they make a purchase? An ad on the boardwalk! A fun but educational and informative ad to quickly drop someRead More →

This year’s winner by random drawing is Sherri W! Read her Testimonial Sherri’s prize includes: $20 credit for shells with Ken Lipe 1 Crab Con 2019 t-shirt 1 Pewter Hermit Crab necklace from $25 prize pack from Cholla Queen – Courtney Iris KarrRead More →