The Crabstreet Journal is one of the best Hermit Crab sites you can find! I have learned so much from this site and would highly recommend it to any crabber. When I first started adopting crabbies, this site provided me with so much information. Also, when I was just starting my Hermit hobby, I got two from the beach. Then as soon as I got home I did more research to figure out how to care for these little guys. This was the first site I came to and I was surprised with all the information I found. Now, I have a properly set upRead More →

I am a new Crab Street Journal crabbie mom! I have been reading great things lately and very helpful information to get us started in the crab world so our little friends can live a long healthy life. Thanks Guys! Your Awesome!! Submitted Sept 28, 2016Read More →

I had two hermit crabs at first and they were in a wire cage and since there was only gravel at the bottom one of my crabs began to surface molt. At the time I thought it was dead but I didn’t smell anything so I left it alone… A few days passed and it didn’t move and it didn’t go back into it’s shell when I poked it gently so I threw it out… I wanted to try and figure out why it died then I found your YouTube channel I don’t think that it was dead it was only surface molting. It killedRead More →

Your website is very helpful and has a lot of useful information for beginners and things that advanced hermit owners didn’t know. Submitted Sept 27, 2016Read More →

My first experience with hermit crabs was when I was about seven years old. I was given a purple pincher named Rocky, and a small plastic box with pink sand in it. As I got older with trial and error I slowly recognized the abuse in that kind of care. I thought the only way I could find information about these little creatures was through random google searches. I did finally get a decent tank together but little did I know there was a huge community waiting for me FULL of great information and new ideas. I enjoy now looking through posts seeing the enthusiasticRead More →

I love your website and it have helped me alot with my hermit crabs🦄i heard about your website at an norwegian reptile page😜i got so happy when i found out u have an IG! Happy early 15th Birthday! For ur page😂 i really think my hermits and walking sticks would like to win! 😜Tilia Submitted Sept 20, 2016  Read More →

I had been keeping hermit crabs for several years before I found this group of wonderful people. I thought I had great tanks, my crabs were living and way better off than in pet stores. I have made such vast improvements for my babies since finding Crab Street Journal! Now my hermits are really living the life, with lots more stuff to climb, deeper sub than ever and water pools they can actually swim in! Now I have 2 55 gallon tanks and a 75 gallon set up, with a 75 gallon waiting for me to get up and ready! I LOVE this place andRead More →

I’m fairly new to Crabstreet and was doing things wrong for a while. They have given me so much useful information and the people who run it are always so helpful. I’m so excited to be giving my crabs the best and they are providing all the best info for me to do that. Thank you Crabstreet Journal!! Submitted Sept 20, 2016Read More →

The Crabstreet Journal website is great and very informative. And we are a very loving tight knit community in favor of hermit crabs who are open minded and advocate for current standard care. Submitted Sept 20, 2016Read More →

I love the Crabstreet Journal website! I own 3 purple pincher hermit crabs (Brigadier, Lola, and Harley) and the site offers so much great advice for people like me! There are always a bunch of fun giveaways, contests, and other activities going on, and I love meeting new crabbers through the Crabstreet Journal website. Submitted September 5, 2016Read More →

This website for hermit crabs simply helped me to know anything and everything there is to know about hermit crabs. Almost any questions I could ever possibly ponder over can be answered by this site. Thank you guys! You are the best! Submitted August 22, 2016Read More →

The Crabstreet Journal is a wonderful source of information for improving care of your crabs. Many times I have come to the site to look for information on how to improve the care of my crabs and ways to enrich their environment. I love the fact that there is information on the different species as well since I have seven different species. I also love the fact that there is a place for us to share recipes and try new ones. It’s always fun trying something knew with these guys. Love the site and will continue to go to it many more times even ifRead More →